Tag Archive for "linux" tag


May 14th, 2009 by usage | 0

How to download a site using wget Download the file in background. Will download all the links from the list.txt file and pretending that it’s Firefox. wget –continue –verbose –input-file=”list.txt” –output-file=”list.log” –user-agent=”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1″ If you want to ignore the SSL expiration or validity you can pass –no-check-certificate parameter.


April 16th, 2009 by usage | 0

VirtualBox command line usage Related http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-control-virtual-machines-virtualbox-using-vboxmanage.html


April 14th, 2009 by usage | 0

Create a tar file and verify the tar archive Related http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-verify-tape-backup/


April 14th, 2009 by usage | 0

Summarize disk usage of each FILE, recursively for directories.


April 14th, 2009 by usage | 0

rsync -e ssh –verbose –stats –compress –recursive –times –perms –links –delete –exclude “*bak” –exclude “.svn” –exclude “*~” –exclude “._*” /var/www/vhosts/domain.com user@domain.com:/var/www/vhosts/domain.com Recommendations: setup keyless login for user@domain.com also the user must have permissions to write in /var/www/vhosts/domain.com


April 11th, 2009 by usage | 0

dpkg-reconfigure reconfigures packages after they have already been installed. Pass it the names of a package or packages to reconfigure. It will ask configuration questions, much like when the package was first installed. Example:


April 11th, 2009 by usage | 0

Examples lshw is a small tool to extract detailed information  on  the  hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration,  bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 or IA-64 systems and on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work). It currently […]